Here you can find a full list of our team’s current and forthcoming publications:
Olivia Robinson, ‘Performance-Based Research in the Medieval Convent’, European Medieval Drama 21 (2018 for 2017), 21-41.
Aurélie Blanc and Olivia Robinson, ‘The Huy Nativity from the Seventeenth to the Twenty-first Century: Translation, Play-back and Pray-back’, forthcoming in Medieval English Theatre 40 (2018).
Matthew Cheung Salisbury, Elisabeth Dutton, and Olivia Robinson, ‘Medieval Convent Play-Scripts and their Afterlives: Translating Scripture and Transforming the Liturgy’, forthcoming in A Companion to Medieval Translation, ed. Jeanette Beer (Kalamazoo: The Medieval Institute).
Olivia Robinson and Elisabeth Dutton, ‘Drama, Performance and Touch in the Medieval Convent and Beyond’, forthcoming in Touching, Devotional Practices and Visionary Experience in the Late Middle Ages, ed. David Carillo Rangel, Delfi Isabel Nieto and Pablo Acosta Garcia (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).